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According to Wikipedia : "Mantra" (/ˈmæntrə, ˈmɑːn-, ˈmʌn-/) means a sacred utterance, numinous sound, or a syllable, word, phonemes, or group of words believed by some to have psychological and spiritual power in Sanskrit. The spiritual value of a mantra comes when it is audible, visible, or present in thought and intelligence are synonyms.


The sound frequencies or mantras have no beginning or end. They are as old as space and the universe. Many ancient cultures discovered that the mind is made up of subtle energies, in the form of sound frequencies.  The mind has a sound pattern; the unconscious has a sound pattern.


Different sound frequencies create different kinds of intelligence.These sound frequencies, also known as mantras, are a part of the space energy (space energy is one of the five elements, the others being earth, water, fire and air). These sounds/mantras were discovered by yogis in deep states of trance, while meditating on space energy.When the yogis talk about sounds, it is not the spoken sound they are referring to.


Spoken sounds are the gross form of sounds that emerge from the un-manifest levels. The evolution of speech is as follows: first, there is a thought sound (thought also has a sound) called nada and paranada. The thought sounds become speech sounds.In order to make significant changes in your life, all you need to do is to rearrange the sound patterns of your own consciousness. This is what mantras do. Mantras are sounds of the unconscious.


While you are meditating on the mantra, it takes you very deep into layers of the unconscious. That's why people who use mantras get dramatic results. By using the mantra, you can go into deeper levels and rearrange the sound atoms of your own consciousness.


The mantras have been part of the Biblical tradition as well. The Bible says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God." God created everything through his Word. The Word of God is the mantra. Jesus speaks about the power of mantras on two occasions.No doubt the mantras are tiny, often consisting of only one or two syllables. But, is it not true that the atoms, tiny as they are, carry enormous power? The mantras are called Bijas in Sanskrit which means seeds. These can be compared to DNA; each DNA is a miniature of a particular person.


Mantras are energy DNA's. You implant them in your mind and then you manifest the energy.Mantras are universal, although they were originally discovered by the yogis of India and have long been part of the Hindu tradition. The practice of a mantra does not convert one to Hinduism or interfere with your own form of spirituality.


Energy Managment coming soon...

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