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My Uncle Mikey and the two lost dogs

Last night my Uncle Mikey passed away. I prefer to say he transferred into a higher frequency. He was an excellent man and a really good uncle. I have many uncles but not many really took the time to connect with me.

I remember when I was in like fourth grade being on the phone with him talking about a spelling bee I was practicing for. As the eldest in a household of five, most of the attention was focused on the younger children. So when he called and asked me about me, it really meant a lot. As clear as a bell, I remember spelling the word, carnivorous. It was a huge word then...

That moment left a lasting impression on me. At a pivotal age where I needed validation and support, it came in the form of him. I knew I was a smart kid, but I needed it to be reinforced. He did that for me. I will forever be grateful.

He has been suffering for a long time with Cystic Fibrosis. He was a determined son of gun too.

Also, last night I was up all night long because two lost yellow labs has made their way to my house. As a dog person, I could tell they were spoiled, loved and well-fed. They just wanted inside with family and a fireplace.

Despite my efforts physically and through the Police Department to find their home early in the night before the impending snow storm, they were still at my house at 3 a.m.

Little did I know they had literally broken into my back porch screened in room. They parked on my favorite spot, the spot I meditate from daily.

Between the dogs and my son who needed a nebulizer treatment I woke up wicked cranky. I asked my husband if they were still here. At about 6:30 a.m. on a Dunkin Donuts run, my husband noticed a car slowly driving in our neighborhood. He pulled over and asked what was up.

The rest is history....One of the owners is actually deployed in Afghanistan. The owners were so fraught. Clearly these dogs were members of their family. They had been out searching all night and even had a 5 year old with them.

I suspect the dogs got loose and bee-lined through the bogs (we are cranberry growers) and were probably afraid of coyotes.

But back to my Uncle, as a energy practitioner, I read stuff as energy. I don't believe in coincidences. I knew that these two were dog totems for me. And to get to the nuts and bolts of this was a male dog, the other female which signifies holy matrimony. When these two energies are combined and balanced it's a direct path to source energy.

Three days ago, I set an intention for my uncle to connect with me should he desire to do so. I did this so that I may be able to comfort my Mother, his sister.

My Mother and I have a complicated relationship. This morning I received the call that Uncle Mikey passed from one of my sisters. It takes a while for me to process stuff. So I decided to call my Mother before I became emotional. I told her the story about the dogs seeking comfortable peaceful shelter. I put together the significances of the dogs, timing, color, etc...

When I was speaking to her (she lives 35 miles away) my bathroom light flickered. Hers did too. There is no doubt in my mind that my Uncle Mikey was trying to communicate to let me know and to let my Mom know that he is at peace. (Communicating with spirit in this manner is not really my gig. I work with other energies).

Om Namash Shivaya Uncle Mikey, I love you.

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