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Better Matters & My Research

This is my solution to my chronic migraines & headaches. Thirty years of silently suffering (migraine begetting migraine) meanwhile betraying myself pretending to be o.k., not honoring myself. I felt like I had been "running on fumes" (over medicating) for years and I had enough. The irony is, I knew my life was supposed to feel better yet I resigned myself to this is the way it children started to have bad headaches. Funny, I can take the pain but if someone I love hurts, well that is like hurting me 1000 times worse. Years of personal research lead me to physically create my pain reliever. It wasn't until I felt sustainable pain relief that I was able to recognize my negative self talk which was completely disempowering and directly correlating to my pain. With my chronic migraine pain managed, I shifted my focus to studying metaphysics, mythologies, and other methodologies. Some things cannot be explained by intellect alone. I found a way for my soul to break out and restore my inner peace and health. We all want the same thing happiness and peace. (Or in our case, one migraine a month would be nice). More than anything, I want to inspire you that you are enough and that you don't have to suffer needlessly. There is always a way, you just have to figure out yours. Mindfulness & Better Matters.

Conscious Migraine-like & Headache Pain Relief Management

Migraine Magick™ is a conscious complementary spray and roll/on migraine-like pain /headache pain reliever formulated to eliminate, reduce, and manage pain by providing energy to the "migraine brain"; dismantle tension of migraine-like grip; and relieve fear of recurrent migraine-like/headache pain. Migraine Magick™ is structured to provide sustainable pain and tension relief stemming from a myriad of physical causes including but not limited to medication overuse, hormonal imbalance, neurochemicals and metabolic integrity.

Recent studies ² show major physical causes of migraines are: insufficient energy to brain cells. Migraine research ³ finds that migraine attacks begin deep within the brain with insufficient brain cell energy which leads to unbalanced electrical activity that can produce an electrical "storm" in the head. In other words the voltage has gone awry.¹ Migraineurs have a structurally different brain with more "wiring" if you will. The pain manifested is caused by the different energy requirement a migraine-brain needs than from a brain that does not suffer migraine.19 This imbalance signals what we feel as pain.

However, migraines are complex and symptomatic of more than one function in the body/mind/spirit connection being unbalanced. Migraine Magick™ is complementary conscious pain relief and management for but not limited to: migraine-like symptoms, headaches, stress, tension, ptsd and spiritual depression possibly resulting from disturbances in the subtle energy fields. Acknowledgment of this energetic component in conventional medicine is imperative in order for true healing and/or quality pain management to be sustainable.

Pain relief is external; healing is internal. We are constantly receiving and transmuting energy. "A biological disfunction may arise from a miscommunication along any route of information flow." ⁵ Ultimately, once pain relief is experienced in the physical body, the energy is transmuted and ascended and integration continues with energetic balancing, emotional harmony and recalibration of spiritual vibratory attunement with Qi. You feel like you are in a state of completeness in contrast to deficiency. You start remembering what it feels like to feel again on a soul level.

Migraine Magick™ Acute Pain Strategy & Theory Before you receive Migraine Magick™ intend & commit to two weeks to getting your chronic condition under control and manageable. Even if you are not in a "pain cycle", the spray will go to work immediately preventatively providing voltage for the "migraine brain" replenishing and nourishing the nerves in order for them to make their intended connections in order to do their work. Use Migraine Magick Spray™ for larger surface area or Migraine Magick Eraser™ to RELIEVE acute pain FAST. Before you are in a bad pain cycle MORE is better. Saturate with Spray or Roll all areas of your pain and do not stop until relief. If there is relief but still pain, keep spraying or rolling some more. If pain has jumped (this is good) follow it with the spray or roller. Migraine-like pain is jumping meridian points (see pic below). When pain has relieved to your satisfaction you can back off. Don't try to be Superperson and wait it out. Has that worked before with a migraine? NO! What happens when we try to tough out a situation rather than deal with it "head" on! It HURTS! Reapply as often as necessary. . . For the first two weeks keep it on your person and bomb yourself in it, saturating 10-15x a day.

Migraine Meridian Pain Points, ¹⁴

Migraine Magick™ Why & Theory? The high frequency essential oils in Migraine Magick™ immediately target & relieve pain manifesting as the lower operating frequencies and overrides them. Its been scientifically proven that our bodies have electromagnetic frequencies measured in MGz. The human body vibrating within its normal vibratory range between 62 and 68 MHz is considered in a state of health. But energy disturbances in the subtle bodies will actually precede the appearance of disease and illness in the physical body.

The normally harmonious coherent frequencies of the body easily go out of “tune” when a person experiences physical or emotional stress. 5 A blockage of the flow of life energy – characterized by inflammation, irritation and illness – can result. When the human frequency range drops below the norm of 62 megahertz, this is when abnormal processes can begin to develop. Essential oils used in Migraine Magick™ range from 78 MHz to 147 MHz. When tuned up it become easier to integrate emotion in order to make thoughtful decisions resulting in a concise and clearer conscious alignment.

Once the "migraine brain" voltage requirements (different for everyone) are met, that energy that was once pain has been transmuted. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed it is a Universal Law of Thermodynamics. That energy has to go some where. It ascends into a higher vibration and you feel better and better and better, more like the "old original" YOU.

Migraine Magick™ Long Term Preventative Strategy & Theory When you receive your special bottle commit to spritzing and saturating and I mean spritz like your life depends on it. If you kind of use it, it kind of works. Think of Migraine Magick™ as your new best friend. Every other remedy takes some time to build up in your system. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, COMMIT TO SPRAYING YOURSELF to saturation! Make Migraine Magick™ a new good HABIT for the next two weeks.

This was created specifically for you: migraineurs/headache sufferers to give you your quality of your life back. It is 100 percent natural. Your body will metabolize the minerals and other good stuff within 24 hours. Remember our body doesn't manufacture some of these minerals. Unless you eat a balanced awesome diet specific to fulfill "migraine brain" requirements, the body runs on empty and/or steals nutrients from other parts in the body where they are needed. If you have chronic pain, chances are you've been running on empty for a long time. You need to replenish yourself 10-15x a day or more for two weeks...Saturate where your pain is. Be conscious of your pain. Depending upon your state of daily tension, genetics and stress and combined with mineral deficiencies, it will take a few days to bring your body into a homeostatic equilibrium and break the migraine-like pattern. Once your body is in this equilibrium state you will experience fewer migraines and/or be pain free, feel healthier and be able to manage migraines/headaches when and if a migraine attacks. You get your life back! Get your Migraine Moxie on! In effect, Migraine Magick™ is replenishing and nourishing (flooding) your body with the healthy ingredients the nerves need to function as intended; thereby raising the body energy (frequency) transmuting lower operating energetic frequencies. Migraine Magick™ Why?

Whether you are speaking about plants, animals, or humans, minerals are essential for the existence of life. Minerals provide the means, when combined with proper circulation and balanced body chemistry, to maintain proper blood pressure, circulate nutrients, release hormones, rebuild damaged tissues and expedite waste from the body, including our lymphatic circulatory system. Minerals such as sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), magnesium (Mg) and Calcium (Ca) etc. that dissolve in the blood are called ions. The ions carry either a negative or positive charge. These charged particles create electricity (much like a common battery) that help run the bodies of animals and humans. Specifically to the "migraine brain"¹⁷, ions support a hypersensitive organ that needs extra energy ¹⁸. They maintain osmotic equilibrium of our cell walls and the internal water balance that enables muscles and nerves to contract and expand, and wounds to heal.

Early studies point to a disturbance in salt (NaCl) and water (H2O) metabolism ⁸ ⁹ as a cause of migraines as well as Potassium, Magnesium & Calcium ¹⁰, ¹³. They are also essential for growth and development of the bones as well as the organs. The brine of Migraine Magick™ is structured to ionically flood your body with minerals immediately to strengthen and keep cell membranes strong, raise their osmotic pressure, and maintain correct pH in intro-cellular fluid so that invading organisms cannot survive. It corrects the voltage of the nerves in the body via biochemical balancing of minerals. ¹⁶

On a quantum level Migraine Magick™ sends information to the body-field biophysically. That information is vibrationally imprinted onto the brine. This information corrects distortions in the body-field, returning the body to homeostasis. It is a critical balance and protects the autoimmune system. There is something deeper in humanity that has to be cared for. A person cannot heal and manage pain through symptomatic relief alone. We must go to the roots of the problem at the causal level -- both cells and feelings. It is here that the spark of life occurs, the electric fire that ignites every chemical reaction in our cells and the magnetic pull of thoughts. Here comes the boom: Migraine Magick™ encompasses a Migraine Trifecta: ability to manage and heal mind, body & spirit. I understand your painful suffering, endurance & thoughts and that is why I am here for you. Mindfulness & Better Matters!

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I want you to feel as Free, Safe &

Amazing as I do. If you don't,

it's Free.


In the world of energy it does me

no good if you don't feel Amazing. 


So spray away for 14 days and if you are not satisfied for any reason, contact the Happy Customer office and you will be promptly refunded!I promise.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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