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When you need soothing motherly love..

Rose Quartz- Stone of Unconditional Love & Compassion

Rose Quartz is a simple petal pink stone, common in most mineral stores. It is a must have for any crystal healer, collector or anyone who wishes to connect with the Divine Feminine and with Love.

Rose Quartz is the stone of love and compassion. By simply holding onto a rose quartz you will experience a sense of calm and peacefulness. The soft and subtle energy of the stone will awaken your Heart Chakra and help to ease the wounds of the broken heart.

The soft gentleness of the Rose Quartz can bring a sense of Unconditional Love to the Self. The most important Love is for the self. Not in a narcissistic way, but in a healthy loving sense of being. For when we Love ourselves for exactly who we are without condition, doors will open to new and wonderful possibilities. We are continuously bombarded with ideas, thoughtforms and self-esteem issues ,which will undermine our happiness. Some of these belief systems we have carried from childhood. We often will have compassion for everyone except ourselves, experiencing feelings of not being lovable or worthy of love. Even though we deeply desire this connection, our lack of self-esteem will undermine the process.

Rose Quartz will help reconnect you with your lost inner child,as well as the innocence of accepting yourself and others exactly as we all are, before the adults in our lives messed us up.

When we truly love ourselves, flaws and warts and all, thIs results in being loved on a deeper level. This peaceful pink stone is a powerful forgiveness stone, as well as ideal for assisting one with a broken heart.

Often when we think of Love, the ideas of cupids and arrows shooting about will pop into our minds,bringing about Romantic Love and the process of falling in Love. Then the love goggles break and you see things for how they really are and reality sets in. Is this our version of what love is, or is it true love? This is where people get into a pickle.

Sometime the process of falling in love is the addiction. Meditating with Rose Quartz will help connect your Heart Chakra to Source and keep you balanced, loving yourself so that you know how to love others unconditionally. Connecting with another on a Soul level is a profound love.

The strings to the heart will not know space or time and often it's a soul which has been part of you since the Divine Spark. It is unconditional; it can be romantic or friendship, but it is deeply real.

I often will meditate with Rose Quartz to my heart. It is a simple process and it can calm your mind and remind you to breathe and love yourself.

I keep a large Rose Quartz near my front door which is a little shy of 13 pounds. This stone is a hope that my home is a place of peace and love for whomever walks through my door.

A simple way to connect with Rose Quartz is to put it in a bath with Himalayan Sea Salt and just relax and recharge your batteries. Finding ways to find peace in this hectic world is a beautiful thing.

Connect with Rose Quartz, spend the time finding You!

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