THE FUNCTION OF THE CELL Cells are composed of three basic parts, a nucleus, or brain of the cell, the cytoplasm, which provides nourishment to the cells nucleus, and the cell membrane, which contains both and gives it form and protection. The cell is a chemical factory in which hundreds of chemical reactions take place. The “brain” or nucleus of the cell controls everything that goes on in this factory. It is a necessary function of the cell membrane to let in proper nutrients to fuel this factory and keep out all harmful substances like bacteria and viruses. Energy is produced through the burning of oxygen and sugar in the cell. The catalyst for this process is in the form of an enzyme. The enzyme gathers necessary raw material for the reactions to take place and acts as a catalyst for the reaction. Should that enzyme be lacking the exact sequence of reactions is not possible and the cell cannot survive. The enzymes in a cell wear out after awhile. The nucleus acts as a template to produce more enzymes.The enzymes must be constructed out of basic materials, namely proteins, vitamins, and minerals. If your diet is deficient in these ingredients then the cell cannot properly replenish the enzymes. The chemical manufacturing comes to a halt and the cell dies. You must get all the raw materials needed on a daily basis. The cytoplasm contains all the basic salts. Different types of cells require more or less of certain of the salts. Migraine Magick contains the salts we need in addition to 84 trace minerals we need. Although proper nutrition of course is also important to the health of the body and cells, vitamin supplements and diet often overlook these essential micro nutrients salts that the cells need to remain healthy. Now many of the body’s processes are electrically charged processes. Cell enzymes work to attract the necessary raw materials by electrical attraction. It is well documented that the electromagnetic energy of the Moon have an effect upon the earth and tides. We, as residents of the Earth, cannot help but be influenced by the electromagnetism of our external environment. So too, for the cellular factory of our bodies. The enzymes attracting the materials it needs by electrical attraction. Hence, all living things are also governed by cosmic influences. Migraine Magick sets to work replenishing your body with the minerals that it is missing, giving rise to stimulation of the electrical impulses needed to jump start the chemical reactions that were not taking place. In short, you start to feel better.