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I took my children today to a playground. They played for two hours with a break in between of cold water and Cape Cod chips. There was an eminent storm brewing at the foot of the mountains in Maine, one of my children, a 6 year old male, prone to what appears to me to be a cluster headache, came down with a violent headache characterized by indigestion and punching his head. Immediately I gave him 3 caps full of ibuprofen and Migraine Magick™ to his forehead region as well as to the soles of his feet. I encouraged him to stop crying and to breath deeper. Crying and shallow breaths usually intensify the pain. Within 15 minutes he felt better. I'd like to add that while he was enduring this episodic attack he was crying he didn't want me to die. I suspect Jack is going through the stage where a child ponders the death of a parent-not fun for either child or parent. And it weighs heavily on his mind & heart.

Meanwhile my 9 year old daughter who has had frequent migraines and headaches due to the"usual triggers" started coming down with a migraine I believe very much in response to the stress of her brother s sudden & violent pain while being able to empathize with his pain. She made it the car ride home without the Migraine. As soon as we got in the door and got my son settled, she started crying and was holding and squeezing her head. I sprayed her head with the Migraine Magick™, gave her a cold compress and a glass of milk (known to help with migraines). Within minutes she was up and playing on her Ipad with my 2 other sons. Jack is passed out sleeping now next to me. Poor little guy. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the Migraine Magick™, especially for my children. 💖

As for me...I have had some sensitivity myself the last couple of days but I know its due to diff environmental with pollen different than home so its allergies and nasal flushing, Migraines Magick™ and an occasional Sudafed do the trick where Fiorecet and or Midrin couldn't touch the pain. However, the stress of Jack hurting traditionally was enough to activate a chronic migraine in me. That being said, my use of Migraine Magick™ has transmuted enough of my chronic stress in the CNS that I am able to respond differently to stressful situations. Where I once popped a Fiorect or two while being on two or three prescription meds...I am consistently essentially Migraine-free for close to a year now with inconsistent use of Migraine Magick™ on a need to use basis versus preventative. To say I have my life back is an under-statement.😂 Better Matters, Lisa

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